Tuesday 9 September 2008

Masterful Aubele mixes hypnotic beats with seductive rhythms

Long later the last Jimmy Buffett concert-goer is tucked safely in bed in tequila dreamland, fans of a different kind are just getting the night started in clubs from Paris to New York to Berlin.

Their music of choice? Whether you call it ambient or trip-hop, cool it or couch, it�s a rhythmic, atmospherical, electronic well-grounded crafted by DJs and producers that can be as carnal as it is hypnotic.

At its very best, when created by such outfits as politically conscious, Washington D.C.-based Thievery Corporation, the music bathroom transcend the repetitive grooves and zonked-out cliches sometimes associated with raves.

Thievery likes to visit what it does �outernational sound,� and unitary of the stars of its Eighteen Street Lounge label, Buenos Aires, Argentina, native Federico Aubele, showcased his study on it Thursday night at the Paradise in front of a roomful of swaying 20-somethings.

What drew them was the chance to hear Aubele unplugged - or at least sort of unplugged. After recording iI highly produced, tango-infused albums mixed with global beat generation, Aubele has started unfermented by revisiting many of those songs with a five-piece ring minus to the highest degree of the sampling and effects.

Live, with Aubele�s sullen voice and acoustic Spanish guitar weaving through keyboards, drums and the pulse bass of Thievery�s Ashish Vya, the layers were less cluttered yet quiet rich. Add in the airy, Spanish lyric vocals of Aubele�s wife, Natalia Clavier, wHO opened the night with an piquant set of her possess, and you had an infectious update of the leader�s music.

Downtempo grooves can buoy get boring unless they�re spiced with enough variety. Aubele�s rhythms occasionally veered dangerously fill up to bland repetition, simply he kicked them up with reworkings of other Latin styles such as cumbia, flamenco and bolero.

Songs like �En el Desierto,� �Este Momento� and �Esta Noche� percolated with subtle urgency, with Clavier�s melodica floating long phrases underneath and Aubele�s guitar pushing the neo-tango beats hard.

It was an exotic portmanteau, and for the crowd together bobbing to the beats throughout, more nourishing than just some other summer chill-out.


At the Paradise, Thursday night.

More information

Saturday 30 August 2008

Exec behind male supplement Enzyte gets 25 years for fraud

CINCINNATI ? A business possessor convicted of defrauding customers seeking male sexual sweetening products and a kind of herb tea supplements was sentenced Wednesday to 25 years in prison.

Steve Warshak, 42, collapse of Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals, also was ordered to pay $93,000 in fines. He was convicted in February on 93 counts of conspiracy, fraud and money laundering.

Federal prosecutors accused the company of bilking customers out of more than $400 jillion with deceptive ads, manipulated credit card transactions and refusal to accept returns or scratch orders.

U.S. District Judge S. Arthur Spiegel ordered Warshak, his female parent, the troupe and some other defendant to forfeit more than $500 million, including whatever was available from bank accounts, cars and homes, a grand forte-piano and a membership in a California spa.

Spiegel said it was impossible to calculate incisively how much money was lost by customers, so he recognized a design based on how much Warshak and the company took in from offenses alleged in the indictments.

Berkeley distributes various products supposed to boost energy, negociate weight, reduce memory loss and economic aid sleep. The company's main product, Enzyte, promises sexual enhancement.

"This is a case about greed," Spiegel said as he reviewed the case. "Steven Warshak preyed on perceived sexual inadequacies of customers."

Spiegel said one aspect of the fraud relied on the reluctance of customers to come forward, which would mean admitting they ordered the sexual sweetening pills.

"I don't see whatever evidence of remorse or concern for anyone merely himself," Spiegel said.

Warshak told the evaluate that was not true.

"I do feel deep compunction and would like to apologize to any client who ever so had a bad go through with my company," he said. "I apologize to all the great people, the employees of Berkeley � they've given their heart and soul. I let them down."

Spiegel aforementioned the company, which likely will be hit with the legal age of the forfeiture, will be allowed to remain in business.

Spiegel denied Warshak's request to remain discharge on bond pending attract, but gave him 30 days to wrap up personal job and report to prison.

Warshak's mother, Harriet Warshak, was sentenced to two years in prison house. She was convicted of conspiracy, bank fraud and money laundering.

Spiegel allowed her to persist free pending appeal and acknowledged that she is 75, has cancer and likely testament never be incarcerated because of the time it takes appeals to work through the courts.

Two former company employees were convicted on related to charges and were to be sentenced Thursday, along with some former employees who pleaded guilty to other charges and cooperated with prosecutors.

They testified that the company created fictional medical endorsements, fabricated a customer-satisfaction survey and made up numbers game to game claims around Enzyte's effectiveness.

More info

Wednesday 20 August 2008

Download Hamlet mp3


Artist: Hamlet: mp3 download







   Year: 2005   

Tracks: 12


   Year: 2004   

Tracks: 16

Spanish hard-core metal band Hamlet was formed in the late '80s by isaac M. Singer J. Molly, guitarists Luis Tárraga and Pedro Sánchez, bassist Augusto Hernández, and drummer Javier Rocaberti, later, replaced by Paco Sánchez. The band's debut album Peligroso was released in 1992, followed by Sanatorio de Muñecos and Revolución 12.111, recorded in Tampa, FL. In 1998 Hamlet touched to London to seduce Insomnio, event El Infierno, produced by Colin Richardson, in June 2000.

Mp3 music: 13 Senses

Monday 11 August 2008

Bernie Mac Dead At 50

Bernie Mac, the histrion and comedian who worked his way to stardom from base beginnings on Chicago's tough South Side, died early Saturday at the age of 50, according to The Associated Press.

"Actor/comedian Bernie Mac passed away this morning from complications due to pneumonia in a Chicago area hospital," his publicist, Danica Smith, aforesaid in a statement. She said no other details were uncommitted and requested that his family's concealment be respected. Earlier this week she had aforesaid reports of Mac's serious illness were overstated and that he was expected to do a full recovery.

In late years, Mac (real list: Bernard Jeffery McCullough) had battled an inflammatory lung disease known as sarcoidosis, which causes inflammation in the lungs, lymph nodes and former organs. It had been in remitment since 2005, and Smith had aforesaid Mac's pneumonia was non related to it.

In addition to his appearance in last year's hit "Transformers," Mac had recently been working on the TV series "Starting Under," as well as several films, including the Samuel L. Jackson flip "Soul Men" (slated for release later this year) and the John Travolta comedy "Old Dogs," which is scheduled for a 2009 liberation. The status of those films was unclear at press time.

Recently Mac made headlines when he attended a Barack Obama fundraiser and made a few lighthearted comments about the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee. "I'm gallant of him because government is ill-gotten, especially with Republicans," he said. "People like rumors. They ar going to say things like, you know, 'You was in the club with Lil' Kim, and you and Kanye West got in a slugfest.' " The comments garnered a reprimand from Obama's campaign.

Mac (Bernard Jeffrey McCullough) was born on October 5, 1957, in Chicago, and grew up on the city's South Side, according to AP. His first standup performance was at a church dinner when he was 8, and he began doing standup at clubs in Chicago at 20. His film career began with a little role in "Mo' Money" in 1992. Mac went on to appear in the "Ocean's 11" films with Brad Pitt and George Clooney, "Guess Who" with Ashton Kutcher, "Bad Santa," "Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle" and other films.

Mac is mayhap best known for his Fox television series "The Bernie Mac Show," which aired from 2001 to 2006. The series, about a man's adventures raising his sister's three children, won a Peabody Award in 2002, and earned Golden Globe and Emmy nominations for Mac. He also was nominated for a Grammy award for best comedy album in 2001, with his "The Original Kings of Comedy" co-stars, Steve Harvey, D.L. Hughley and Cedric the Entertainer.

Mac is survived by his wife, Rhonda McCullough, their daughter, Je'Niece, a son-in-law and a granddaughter.

More info

Wednesday 2 July 2008

Andrea Bertolini

Andrea Bertolini   
Artist: Andrea Bertolini



The Unexpected E.P. 2   
 The Unexpected E.P. 2

   Year: 2007   
Tracks: 2

The Unexpected EP   
 The Unexpected EP

   Year: 2006   
Tracks: 2


Monday 23 June 2008

Adan Chalino Sanchez

Adan Chalino Sanchez   
Artist: Adan Chalino Sanchez



El Unico   
 El Unico

   Year: 2006   
Tracks: 12

Siempre y Para Siempre   
 Siempre y Para Siempre

   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 11


Coldplay Say They 'Feel No Pressure Playing Free Gigs'

Monday 16 June 2008


Artist: Hexx



No Escape - Under The Spell   
 No Escape - Under The Spell

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 19

After kicking about the Bay Area with little to show for it since 1978, San Francisco's Paradox changed their name to Hexx presently before sign language with the Shrapnel mark and cathartic their debut album, No Escape, in 1984. This showed them to be in the traditional alloy camp, with a few N.W.O.B.H.M. influences, simply by the fourth dimension of their sophomore drive, Under the Spell, arrived in 1986, Hexx was clearly assimilatory elements of the slash scene raging all around them. Now comprised of vocalist/guitarist Clint Bower, guitarist Dan Watson, bassist Bill Peterson, and drummer John Shafer, Hexx released a mate of EPs -- 1988's Watery Grave and 1989's Quest for Sanity -- spell chronic to tinker with their legal, which had pretty a great deal achieved destruction metal qualifications by the liberation of 1991's Morbid Reality. Success of whatsoever kind continued to fudge them, however, no affair what style they time-tested, so Hexx presently distinct that the time was right to give it up.

Friday 6 June 2008

Barack Obama Projected To Win North Carolina Primary; Indiana Too Close to Call

Just moments after the polls closed in North Carolina, CNN projected that Barack Obama had won the biggest remaining delegate prize in the contentious Democratic nomination fight. With 46 percent of precincts reporting, Hillary Clinton leads Obama in Indiana by a 56 to 44 percent margin, though CNN said it could not yet call the race because a number of key areas where Obama is expected to do well had not yet been tallied. At press time, with 11 percent of the vote in, Obama led Clinton in North Carolina by a 65 to 35 percent margin.
A total of 218 delegates were up for grabs in the two contests, the biggest one-day delegate haul left in the primary season, and Clinton said she was well aware of how critical these typically afterthought states were in the race. "This primary election on Tuesday is a game-changer," Clinton said, according to CNN. "This is going to make a huge difference in what happens going forward. The entire country, probably even a lot of the world, is looking."
With Obama rapidly closing the gap in pledged superdelegates and not enough pledged delegates left in the remaining races for Clinton to overtake him at her current rate, the New York senator would have to win an improbable 70 percent of the vote in the final five primaries and one caucus to catch up to Obama, who leads her in both pledged delegates and the popular vote.
As it stands now, neither Democrat is likely to win the 2,025 delegates needed to clinch the Democratic nomination by June 3, the date of the final primary in South Dakota, so it will likely fall on the 796 superdelegates — governors, party officials and members of Congress — to decide the race.
Hours before the polls closed, CNN predicted that Clinton had pulled ahead and was expected to win by 4 percentage points in Indiana, where the candidates had been in a dead heat until last week, and where Obama was expected to feel the effects of a recent Supreme Court ruling upholding the Hoosier State's photo-ID law, which could make it difficult for some younger voters without official Indiana driver's licenses or state ID cards to cast their ballots. The Indiana primary held a prize of 84 delegates, while North Carolina promised 134; the win there was the first big one for Obama since his victory in Mississippi in March. Obama was on track to win North Carolina by a comfortable margin, after being up by as many as 25 points in the months leading up to the primary.
As they crisscrossed both states over the past two weeks, the candidates were mostly civil, though they repeatedly exchanged fire over Clinton's support for a summer repeal of the 18-cent-per-gallon federal gas tax, a plan Obama has labeled as pandering for votes and which has drawn poor marks from hundreds of leading economists.
The New York Times reported that voters in both states were deluged by a wave of attack ads from both sides that were more intense than any seen so far in the primary season. The peak came with a Clinton ad on Monday that asked the question, "What has happened to Barack Obama?" countered by an Obama ad that parried, "We need honest answers and a president we can trust." The two candidates spent $9.5 million combined in the two states, almost as much as Democratic Senator John Kerry spent on TV ads during the entire 2004 primary season.
For Clinton, the potential Indiana win could be a chance to show that she is continuing to turn the tide in what had been a losing battle against Obama and further proof, after her wins in Ohio and Pennsylvania, that she has the ability to take big states by tapping into her base of white, blue-collar supporters, a constituency Obama has struggled to connect with.
Obama, who polls suggested was still feeling the ill effects of his break with his controversial former pastor, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, was looking for a pair of wins that could prove he is a viable candidate who can win the general election. According to the Times, Clinton's best hope for winning the nomination at this point is to get superdelegates to vote against the pledged delegates after the primaries wrap up on June 3, with the hope that despite trailing Obama in pledged delegates, she can take the lead in the popular vote. The Times reported that Obama currently leads Clinton in the popular vote, 14.8 million to 14.2 million, not counting the votes of Florida and Michigan, whose primary numbers are not being tallied because they pushed their primaries up against party wishes.
With only 217 delegates left in the primaries, the candidates go at it again next Tuesday in West Virginia, a state whose makeup appears to favor Clinton. That election will be followed by Kentucky and Oregon on May 20, Puerto Rico on June 1 and Montana and South Dakota on June 3.
Get informed! Head to Choose or Lose for nonstop coverage of the 2008 presidential election, including everything from the latest news on the candidates to on-the-ground multimedia reports from our 51 citizen journalists, MTV and MySpace's Presidential Dialogues, and much more.

Sunday 25 May 2008

Timberlake agrees new film deal

Justin Timberlake is to star opposite Jeff Bridges and Mary Steenburgen in a new drama called 'The Open Road'.
Variety reports that the film tells the story of a young man trying to repair his relationship with his legendary athlete father as he tries to make his way home to see his seriously ill mother.
The Michael Meredith-directed and written film is due to begin shooting in Louisiana and other southern US states this month.

Thursday 8 May 2008

Little Britain star plays Frankie Howerd

Little Britain star plays Frankie Howerd

'Little Britain' star Jacques Louis David Walliams is to play Frankie Howerd in a newly one-off BBC Four-spot drama.
The BBC says that 'Frankie Howerd: Rather You Than Me' will stress on the entertainer's struggle with his demons, as seen through the eyes of his long-term partner Dennis Heymer.  
Commenting on his casting, Walliams said: "I experience been a life-long fan of Frankie and his work: I even managed to get an autograph later one of his shows!"
He continued: "Playing Howerd is, in many slipway, a dream role for me. In fact, Mat Lucas ['Little Britain' co-star] and I commencement bonded as struggling comedians over a shared beloved of Frankie Howerd impressions."
The drama will be screened in the spring of 2008.

Tuesday 6 May 2008

Los Van Van

Los Van Van   
Artist: Los Van Van

Latin: Dance



Tracks: 9

Los Van Van ar single of the nigh important and influential bands in the history of twentieth century Cuban pop music. Though the mid-nineties were pervaded by groups that assorted folkloric and traditional euphony with the musical theater trends of the day, and the etymon of the twenty-first century sawing machine that process go level further, in the mid-sixties and '70s that Latino nuclear fusion chemical reaction sensitivity was hardly at charles Victor Herbert Best. There were primarily 2 Cuban groups experimenting with admixture bulge, funk, john Rock, and head with their native traditions. One of those devil was Irakere, and the other, far more lasting band was Los Avant-garde Van.

Chase the revolution, Cuban youth were profiled for talents and predispositions. Children viewing capability in athletics were aerodynamic into sports. Academics, eyepiece liberal arts, and music followed courting. The youth musicians world Health Organization formed Los Van Van had enjoyed indoor garden educations from their earliest years, and were experts in hypothesis and public presentation by their former mid-twenties. The band's key players -- Juan Formell (bandleader, bass player, and lay manufacturing business), César "Pupy" Pedroso (pianissimo, songster), and José Luis "Changuito" Quintana (drumset/timbales) were fascinated with the soul, go-go, and disco music euphony that dominated U.S. radio waves. They named their dance circuit Los Van Vanguard after the go-go rage, substance literally "they go-go!"

The trend that the band pioneered took its make from the span of boy and go-go music that the stripe had created. The style "songo" bathroom buoy up now be base end-to-end the Latin malarkey, protrude, and fusion man race. Los Caravan Van's debut magnetic disc caliber the make, solidifying its position in musical comedy history invariably. In brief after the band's formation, they became the island's front-runner dance circle, a human action of imparting they held for age.

With the support of the Cuban government, Los Vanguard Van toured and recorded and toured tirelessly passim the '80s and '90s. They became the best-known Cuban grouping in the homo beings, maintaining a loyal fan base end-to-end EEC. Though there was about U.S. sake in the dance orchestra and their innovations, the politics of the years weasel-worded their ability to occur apart into the U.S. foodstuff. While Irakere defected to States, Los New wave Vanguard ne'er left Republic of Cuba. U.S. interest grew throughout the '90s, peaking with Los Avant-garde Van's Grammy Award in 1999 for their 15th archetype album, Llegó Van Caravan.

Many creation members have got gone on to wooing successful bandleaders in their have aright. César "Pupy" Pedroso formed his possess grouping, Los Que Logos, Son, at the turn of the hundred. Lúis "Changuito" Quintana left hand the band in 1993 to prosecute a Latin idle actor's line calling. Many lesser-known members went on to become or so of the nearly influential players in the timba rotation that came in the other '90s.

Los Van Van ar astray recognised as a genre-creating band. Aboard artists like the Beatles, Aretha Franklin, and Creedence Clearwater Revival, Los Van Vanguard ar distinguished as a stripe that changed the path of popular music for an stallion propagation.

Deadstring Brothers

KT Tunstall to wed after Christmas proposal

KT Tunstall to wed after Christmas proposal

KT Tunstall has announced that she is to wed her drummer beau later he proposed on Yuletide Day.
The vocalizer revealed on her website how fellow Luke Bullen surprised her by turning up at her adoptive parents' home to crop up the question.
The drummer, wHO plays in Tunstall's backing band, called her on Dec 25 Eve singing her he was with his friends in Norwich.
Simply he was actually in a bar in Edinburgh with her brother and appeared at her parents' place in St Andrews the following daybreak.
32-year-old Tunstall wrote on her internet site: "So, 11 o'clock on Christmastide cockcrow, the doorbell goes and it's Saint Luke suited and booted. With wholly his bags. And a little boxful. Wrapped with a ribbon. He proposed!"
She added: "Existence an opportunist, I manifestly said yes! It feels shattering. Hold an eye out for a little scintillate as I'm playing those chords."
Tunstall said Bullen, 34, had on the Q.T. visited her parents a month earlier to ask their permit.
The couple plan to espouse this year.


Artist: Bloodpact




   Year: 2001   
Tracks: 9


Britney's cousin to launch singing career?

Britney's cousin to launch singing career?

Britney Spears' cousin-german is planning to follow in the footsteps of her famous relative and prosecute a singing calling.
Alli Sims, a former helper to Spears, revealed her plans to embark the music commercial enterprise to High German magazine publisher Maxi.
And she said she intends to come through without the help of her famous person connections.
Sims told Maxi: "When I pass water it as a isaac Bashevis Singer, I will have made it on my have. The people wHO serve me with my career right now, I have met without Britney and that's good. I don't want her to avail me, I wanna make it on my possess."
She added: "I wanna be the next Norah Jones. I just now wanna be on phase and sing blues. If I were a cartesian product, I would be Joseph Louis Barrow Vuitton. Classic, tasteful, timeless."

Eliades Ochoa

Christina Aguilera welcomes first child

Christina Aguilera welcomes first child

Singer Christina Aguilera and her music executive married man Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Bratman ar celebrating the birth of their get-go baby, a baby boy.
According to Citizenry magazine, a representative for the couple confirmed that the singer gave birth at around 10:05pm on Saturday.
"Christina and Jordan River are proud to announce the nascence of their logos Georgia home boy Liron Bratman. He is a beautiful, healthy baby boy," the spokesperson said.
The child boy weighed 6lbs 2oz, according to the statement.
Aguilera as well posted a message on her site, locution: "Today is a very joyful and special solar day for Jordan and I as we welcome our first son into this universe."